Six Poems
Nadia de Vries
Sometimes My Arms Bend Back
I don’t want to be abandoned…
it is too cruel for school.
Just for once
I want to be the abandoner.
Dark Wellness
Kilroy was here, but the fear never left.
A pelican ate a pigeon and now no one
believes in god anymore.
Unfollow Me into the Dark
My instincts are strong
I know a long road when I see one
I know the place of endless pining
You always walk there alone.
You have to commit yourself to it –
not to me, but the darkness.
Technological Sublime
Am I clever
or am I lonely
Am I clever
or am I lonely
Rosella’s Room
Your sense of peace is disturbed.
A bug falls into your chamomile
and disturbed as you are, you drink it.
You were never a lost cause before.
You thought the goblins carried you away
but in truth, you let them carry you.
Sanity’s Sanctuary
Jennifer Simpson will vanquish all horrors
Nothing you say can ever upset me
I refuse to exchange my crystal for yours.
Nadia de Vries is the author of two poetry collections, and the curator of Sisternhood (2016). She lives and works in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.